She was16 years old and 5 months old pregnancy, she was found Dead, in a bag inside a suitcase In the Dominican Republic.The young woman disappeared on August 23, 2017 and His body was found at 8 PM, time Local, Thursday, 31 August of the same year. She get pregnan by his boyfriend Marlon Martínez, 19 years old. According to the reports, the young lady went out with her boyfriend to Doctor, but he came back alone. " when the family asked him about the bride. He said, I had left her in a oil station, but the Evidence says she's never has been In that place ". But In this case , the defendants are: the groom, "Marlon Martinez" and his mother , "Marlin Martinez". The dead body girld was wearing a Red dress and according to the medical examiner the young woman was beheaded. In the body was found challenges of A fetus in her belly, Contusion of the cervix and Perforation of the uterus. Also she got a Blow on her head with breakc up Cranial and cerebral haemorrhage Emily's family lawyer said, if they are found guilty, " Mrs Marlin Martinez and his son marlon could face a maximum Up to 40 years in prison according to Dominican laws . below vídeo moments in which "Marlyn "Martinez is moved from the palace of Justice to San Francisco Macorís Dominican Republic, under strong security measures to meet the measure of coercion, Watch below