this hapened when she was moved under strong measures Security and they prevented she was being achieved by the bottles and Stones, that impacted one of the gates of the palace of justice. remember, Mrs Marlyn Martinez, paid RD$ 100,000 for to Get rid the girl's body because the day after the murder of Emely Peguero, Mrs Marlin Martinez ordered to her employee deliver 100 thousand pesos to a man a fact that the ministry Public considers it the payment to Move the body of the girld died from the house son, to the other place . According to report deposited by the Prosecutors in the court of this city, to request coercion against the Arrested. The note say: Employee withdrew the money by order of her boss, to pay man for to move the body girld . the Judge Yudelka Buret imposed three Months of pre-trial detention , againt Marlon's mother, and the case was declared complex because there are A lot of involved Cover up. procurator for this case, revealed that after Marlon murdered the teenager, the Wednesday, 23 August, he threw Her body under Columbus Bridge, of this City Then , the young man told His mother, what he did and the mother supported him, So they proceeded to plan forma to get Disappearance of the body of the dead girld. After marlyn lawyer tried to negotiate with the ministry Public for Delivery of the body in return if mother get exclusion in the case, but The entity did not want, then mother murder proceeded to give Order to change the body place by third time. Procurator said there are more involved In the case against those who go to Proceed, although he did not reveal names. the owner farm where the body was without Life was Arrested by agents of the Criminal investigations center. The Detainees are: Joaquín Pereira Guzmán and basil Roberto Vázquez Garcia, owner and foreman On the ground.The body girld was found In State of decomposition and Cutthroat, in a sack inside a Suit case on the banks of a road in the Community the guamá of the municipality Cayetano Germosén, province Dominicano Republic. Watch Video below