Ohio man comes back to life after being dead for 45 minutes

24.08.2013 00:29

After showing no signs of life for 45
minutes and being declared dead, a 37-
year-old Ohio man suddenly came back to
life, UPI.com reported.
Anthony Yahle was taken to Kettering
Medical Center in Kettering, Ohio on the
morning of August 5 when his wife Melissa
noticed his breathing didn’t sound right.
She and her 17-year-old son, Lawrence,
performed CPR on Yahle until first
responders arrived.
At the hospital, doctors treated Yahle with
every medicine they could for 45 minutes,
but he didn’t respond and was officially
declared dead.
According to UPI.com, Lawrence said that
when he found out his father had died,
he ran down the hall to his father’s room
and yelled, “Dad, you’re not going to die
today.” Shortly after that, doctors
noticed Yahle had a faint heartbeat again,
and they decided to make another effort
to revive him.
Their attempts were successful, and Yahle
returned home on August 10 with no
need for a heart transplant. The cause
for his medical emergency has not yet
been reported.