Iran reduces enriched uranium stockpile
Iran says it has significantly reduced its
stocks of 20 percent-enriched uranium by
converting it to reactor fuel.
The announcement appeared aimed at
easing Western concerns over Iran's
continuing production of 20 percent
uranium, which is enriched to a higher
level that that used to fuel most energy
reactors, closer to the 90 percent needed
for a warhead. The U.S. and its allies
demand Iran halt all enrichment, which
Tehran rejects.
Iran's nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi told
state TV late Thursday that stocks have
fallen from 240 kilograms to around 140
kilograms as it is converted into fuel for a
medical research reactor. He said the
remainder is also being converted.
An August report by the U.N. nuclear
watchdog put Iran's stockpile 20 percent
enriched uranium at 185.5 kilograms.