25 Of The Most Engaged Brands On Twitter

26.04.2013 04:39

What does it take for a brand to
engage with its audience on
Social media startup Nestivity
released a list of the top 25 most
engaged brands on Twitter
Thursday, taking a look at what
exactly those brands do to engage
their audience, and what other
companies can do to reach the
same level of engagement.
Brands were selected based on the
results of a study that examined
how brands cultivate relationships
with influencers, customers and
advocates on Twitter.
Conducted by Evolve Capital Inc.
and Dr. Natalie Petouhoff from the
UCLA Anderson School of
Management, the study looked at
the top 100 most-followed brands
on Twitter. All in all that led to
analyzing over 739,000 tweets over
a months time.
"Most brands have fallen into the
trap of using Twitter for push
marketing: broadcasting messages
and expecting to influence
customers with little to no listening
or community building," says
Nestivity founder and president
Henry Min.
"This view of Twitter as a one-way
communication tool severely limits
quality interactions between
brands and their customers. It is a
short-sighted use of an inherently
interactive communication
channel," he added.
Taking top honors in the Nestivity
study was Notebook of Love
(Notebook), followed by Disneywords (disneywords), and
then ESPN (ESPN), and PlayStation (PlayStation).
Interesting to note: the most
prolific of the 100 tweeted every
6-20 minutes, however, none of
the most active accounts made the
most engaged list.
When it comes to follower counts,
a high number doesn't necessarily
mean an engaged audience. While
all of the 25 most engaged Twitter
accounts had over a million
followers, so did the bottom 70%
of the same.
As far as best practices, the group
found that 76% of content that was
shared had a photo attached, and
18% had a video as part of the
message. As a whole, tweets sent
between 2 and 5pm PST generated
the most response.