Neuroplasticity: how the brain heals - podcast

20.02.2015 14:24

Norman Doidge is a Canadian psychiatrist
on the faculty of both the University of
Toronto and of Columbia University in
New York.
He started out as a poet and a student of
philosophy, before moving into psychiatry.
He authored guidelines for the practice of
intensive psychotherapy, before working to
integrate new discoveries in neuroscience
with existing psychiatric, psychological
and psychoanalytic knowledge.
In 2007, he published the best-selling
book, The Brain That Changes Itself, and
has just written the follow-up, The Brain's
Way of Healing.
Norman Doidge joins Nicola Davis in the
studio, along with Dr Dan Reisel, a medical
doctor and research fellow in epigenetics
at University College London, who's
working on how to optimise behavioural
change in patients to increase well being.
Dan Reisel's book Rewiring Our Morality is
available through TED.
Ian Sample reports from the AAAS meeting
in San Jose on facial recognition being
used to identify renaissance art, and the
problems posed by the advances in
driverless cars.